Waxing Crescent Moon


Hidra is reached by sea. The only cars mobilized are an ambulance, a fire truck and 2 mini trucks that collect garbage. There are no satellite dishes and no plastic furniture is used. Total disconnection, very walkable and above all very ecological since the mills that can be seen serve to grind the community´s wheat. Something that does not abound much these days: ecology, community and sustainability; which is why the light bulbs dimly illuminate the cliff and are reflected in the incessant sea, adequate conditions to be able to appreciate notoriously the 1% waxing crescent moon.

Created from a long exposure image, this timeless photo poster will perfectly compliment the decor in any room.

Size : GIANT - 84,1x59,4cm - 33,1x23,4"
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Mis impresiones de bellas artes se imprimirán en papel Silver Halide, papel Fuji Soft Velvet Touch 220g/m2. El tiempo de impresión demora entre 1 y 2 días hábiles, su duración ronda los más de 40 años para esta técnica tipo L. Cada póster viene con un certificado de autenticidad firmado. Debes seleccionar la fotografía que deseas imprimir en el tamaño elegido. ;)

Las entregas varían en costo y tiempo, si son dentro de la República Mexicana demorarán de 2 a 3 días hábiles y su costo está incluido en el precio, el mensajero será local.

Para entregas en USA y Canadá el tiempo será de 5-7 días y el costo es de 50 USD y 50 CAD respectivamente, el costo no está incluido pero podría arreglar el envío por DHL o Fedex.

Puedes realizar la compra con Tarjeta de Crédito o Paypal o Transferencia Bancaria.


My fine art prints, will be printed on Silver Halide paper, Fuji Soft Velvet Touch 220g/m2 paper. Printing time takes 1-2 business day, its duration is around more than 40 years for this L-Type technique. Each poster comes with a signed certificate of Authenticity. You must select the photography you want to print in the chosen size. ;) 

Deliveries vary in cost and time, if they are within the Mexican Republic, they will take 2-3 business days and their cost is included in the price, the courrier will be local.

For deliveries in the USA and Canada the time will be 5-7 days and the cost is 50 USD and 50 CAD respectively, the cost is not included but he could arrange the shipment by DHL or Fedex.

You can make the purchase with a Credit Card or Paypal or Bank Transfer.

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Created to configure this timeless photographic triptych will perfectly complement the decor in any room.

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Created from individual images, this timeless photo triptych will perfectly compliment the decor in any room.

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Created from 3 single-shot photographs, this timeless triptych will perfectly compliment the decor in any room.

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Three shots of a couple of rocky landscapes on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and a fragment of a large coral ree in the middle of the waving Caribbean sea in the Rosario Islands, on the Atlantic coast of Colombia.

Created from individual images, this timeless photo triptych will perfectly compliment the decor in any room.

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Created from individual images, this timeless panoramic photo will perfectly compliment the decor in any room.

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Created from single macro image, this timeless photo poster will perfectly compliment the decor in any room.

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Created from one single shot this timeless photo wide view poster will perfectly compliment the decor in any room.

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Primer plano de una plantación de maíz al atardecer en Osorno, en el sur de Chile.

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Created from 3 shots using High Dynamic Range technique and then assembly in one, this timeless photo wide view poster will perfectly compliment the decor in any room.

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Creado a partir de una imagen individual, este póster fotográfico atemporal complementará perfectamente la decoración de cualquier habitación.


Skyline of Manhattan island, a black and white image taken from the ferry on the way to Staten Island in New York.

Created from individual image, this timeless photo poster will perfectly compliment the decor in any room.

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